New Sci-Fi Thriller Novel Combines Science and Supernatural to Depict One Man's Struggle to Save Daughter's Soul
Chris Hejmanowski's novel Collider challenges our fundamental beliefs about the afterlife
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- What if everything you thought about the afterlife turned out to be wrong? Collider peels back the layers of reality to reveal some of today's most forward-thinking scientific beliefs about our universe.
Collider, a science fiction novel by Chris Hejmanowski, tells the story of a father's journey and shows the true power of human will. Collider relies on real science to dress the fictional stage in the style of Dan Brown and Michael Crichton.
"Underlining the book is the premise that dark matter represents the majority of what exists around us," says Kim Benton, president of ABC Book Publishers, which represents author Hejmanowski. "Seen through the eyes of Fin Canty, Collider presents a unique perspective on this mystery, our role in reality and the relationship of our beliefs with reality."
In the story, Canty finds his faith and assumptions about reality challenged after his wife's death and his own murder, as well as by the knowledge that his daughter will be banished for sins humankind has deemed unforgivable. Abandoning his own salvation, he uncovers answers to some of our most enduring scientific and philosophical questions, such as: "What is dark matter?" and "Are we alone?"
These questions continue to fascinate us, as evidenced by the popularity of such television shows as the Discovery Science Channel's "Through the Wormhole," hosted by actor Morgan Freeman.
A thriller that combines science, the supernatural, and emotion, Collider is a compelling journey of one man's struggle to save his daughter while offering proof of an afterlife.
Dr. Chris Hejmanowski is a practicing emergency medical physician in Jacksonville, Florida. He served with both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps as a flight surgeon and emergency medical physician. While serving in the Marines in Iraq, he led a mobile surgical unit along the Syrian border. It was here, during quieter moments in his tent, that he began to write Collider.
Hejmanowski is currently working on his second novel, Jesus Rock, a science fiction thriller set in the Middle East with an eclectic band of special operatives. Jesus Rock will be available in spring 2013.
For further author information, visit or his LinkedIn profile.
Collider can be purchased in paperback through or as an e-book through Amazon, Barnes and Noble or the iBookstore.
Fischer Press, LLC
Chris Hejmanowski, Author
Contact: Kimberly Benton
ABC Book Publishers, Inc.
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